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Immerse Yourself in Deep Relaxation and Personal Growth

Welcome to Healing Waters Hypnotherapy, where tranquillity meets transformation. Dive into a world of profound relaxation and self-discovery with my specially crafted audio and accompanying workbook.

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What's Included:

  • Guided Hypnotherapy Audio: Close your eyes and let the soothing voice guide you to a state of deep calm.
    Immerse yourself in the healing waters of your subconscious mind, where positive change begins.


  • Comprehensive Workbook: Enhance your journey with this thoughtfully designed workbook. Explore reflections, exercises, and personalized techniques to amplify the impact of your hypnotherapy experience.

My name is Lavinia Jones, and I am protected by my Ancestors. This site contains my energy, my thoughts, my magick, and it is divinely protected by those who came before me. No monitoring spirit, no harmful intent, nor any negative energy can affect this sacred space. Any negativity sent (consciously or unconsciously) will be returned to sender or transmuted with compassion.
No trickster or low-vibrational energy has power within this pages.

I am devoted to this path. Ashe.

Copyright © 2011-2025 – The Art of Starting Over.  Lavinia E Jones.(Cert Hyp CS., MIBWRT)
The Art of Starting Over, Granby Creatives Studio, Liverpool, UK • ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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