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Lavinia Jones
Ancestral Healing Practitioner & Ritual Celebrant
Walking With You To Honour What Was, Heal What Is & Create What Will Be.
It's Time To Activate Your Own Self Healing, Rooted in Liberation, Strength, and Grace.
At the heart of our journey together is an exploration of your inner and outer worlds, where we shine a light on deeply rooted patterns of stress, generational trauma, joy, and the gifts waiting to be uncovered.
Starting a journey of self-healing can be daunting, and it often feels like navigating through a huge never-ending maze.
Healing doesn’t have to be faced alone.
By focusing on our healing, we honour and transform our lineage, empowering our ancestors to become supportive allies who bless and guide us. This healing extends beyond us, reaching across generations and touching those who came before, those still living around us —even if we choose not to have contact them—and those yet to come.
Together, we can connect with these deep, intrinsic sources of guidance and power, finding healing that is both personal and so deeply connected to the broader human experience.
Lavinia J
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