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Almond Tree Flowers


Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT) is an innovative therapeutic approach that can change the way our brains process and respond to certain thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

“Between the stimulus and response, there is a space.
And in that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom”

We Can Explore

Relationship Challenges

* Commitment Issues
* Parental Generational Differences
* Boundaries
* Resiliency
* After Relationship Breakup
* Acceptance

Emotional Well-Being

* Resentment
* Anger
* Self-Esteem
* Self-Worth
* Shame
* Guilt & Embarrassment

Stress & Anxiety

* Social Anxiety
* Health Anxiety
* Free-Floating Anxiety
* Overwhelm


BWRT® is an advanced model of psychology and psychotherapy that helps to alleviate emotional distress.

I invite you to a complimentary consultation where we can explore the unique possibilities this powerful technique holds for you. Let's look into how BWRT® can be tailored to address your needs and unlock the door to change. Schedule your free consultation now and see if this is a pathway on your healing journey. 

What You Need To Know
  • Some sessions can last up to 2 hours
  • Single sessions are £65

  • Block of 4x single sessions are £250

  • (sliding scale and payment options are available) 

  • Sessions are held via Zoom

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