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Thoughtful Conversations

In a world where time is often of the essence, I understand that processing thoughts and emotions doesn't always fit into a one-hour therapy session.


Sometimes, thoughts arise when you least expect them. 

These moments can be fleeting, yet profoundly impactful.

Whether you're an introvert seeking solitude for self-reflection, or just busy juggling multiple responsibilities, a highly sensitive person navigating the intricacies of emotions, an empath feeling deeply attuned to others, or simply someone who processes their thoughts audibly – this space is here to support you.


With "Thoughtful Conversations," you have the freedom to reach out when you need it, without the pressure of a scheduled session. It's a unique space that respects your individuality, allowing you to check in with yourself gently and at your own pace. 


I understand that not everyone fits into the framework of traditional counselling sessions. Whether you're seeking solace in quiet moments of introspection or need an outlet to express your thoughts in real-time, this space provides the flexibility you require.


It's a space where you can embrace your unique way of processing thoughts and emotions, free from judgment or expectation. 


My approach is rooted in the belief that healing happens on your terms.


I provide a platform for you to express yourself through voice notes and messages, allowing you the time and space to process in a way that feels natural to you. It's about creating a supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and emotions without constraint.


From 9am to 8pm GMT/BST,  I'm in this space to listen and respond. These hours are fluid, designed to adapt to your needs. Think of it as having someone in your pocket who you know is there for you, ready to listen deeply.

Get Started with Thoughtful Conversations


  • Invest in your Month. Choose the link below to start your month of Thoughtful Conversations.


  • Access Your Dedicated WhatsApp Number: After your purchase is confirmed, you'll be directed to a page where you'll find your dedicated WhatsApp number.


  • Set Up WhatsApp Communication: Save this number in your contacts and feel free to reach out whenever you feel the need to share your thoughts or seek support.


  • Maintain Your Privacy: I respect your privacy. If you prefer, you can block this number from your WhatsApp status to ensure that your personal stories remain private.

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Thoughtful Conversations

Thoughtful Conversations is a WhatsApp therapeutic service that provides a safe space for individuals to open up and share their thoughts and feelings.


Within this space, you can enjoy a month of thoughtful conversations with me. 


The service is available between 9am and 8pmGMT/BST allowing you to reach out when it's most convenient for you. 


This is not a recuuring subscription, you're investing in one full month. I won't charge your card again at the end of the month. 

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